Friday, February 29, 2008


So I'm lying on the couch last night. Kelly and I are watching The Darjeeling Limited, but it's getting pretty boring so I start saying inane shit to my cat like "you're the fluffiest wuffiest cat in the world, your middle name is now Waffle, Lilywaffle, no wait, Luftwaffe, would be Lily Luftwaffe." Kelly giggles so I guess I've accomplished my goal of momentarily supplementing the entertainment. About 2 minutes further along in the movie Adrian Brody has a flashback to his father's funeral and they decide to go pick up his dead dad's porche at Luftwaffe Motors.

I get a bit freaked out and start playing back the whole movie in my head. Maybe they mentioned this automotive shop somewhere, but I can't find any instance.

This happens all the time and I find it vexing.

I'm terribly vexed.