Thursday, February 21, 2008

snow day

I never got snowdays as a kid living in California and in Memphis we only had like 1 ice day. Can't really go out and make an iceman. Mysterio would probably just come knock it down.

Anyways, school is closed, but not for me. Still got pooters to fix. Driving to work was fun. Since the car was in the garage the windshield didn't ice over until I got on the freeway then BAM, can't see crap. But I'm not complaining. It's nice and quiet here (except for the police scanner in the office, I have no idea why.) Here's a creepy thing that guards the library, oh excuse me, Media Center:

I'm probably going with Kelly to Kansas City for the weekend. It's a party extravangaza at Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders!!! 2008: Truthiness, Evidence, and Practices in EBD. I'll be sure to post every exciting detail, stay tuned!!!