Friday, February 29, 2008


So I'm lying on the couch last night. Kelly and I are watching The Darjeeling Limited, but it's getting pretty boring so I start saying inane shit to my cat like "you're the fluffiest wuffiest cat in the world, your middle name is now Waffle, Lilywaffle, no wait, Luftwaffe, would be Lily Luftwaffe." Kelly giggles so I guess I've accomplished my goal of momentarily supplementing the entertainment. About 2 minutes further along in the movie Adrian Brody has a flashback to his father's funeral and they decide to go pick up his dead dad's porche at Luftwaffe Motors.

I get a bit freaked out and start playing back the whole movie in my head. Maybe they mentioned this automotive shop somewhere, but I can't find any instance.

This happens all the time and I find it vexing.

I'm terribly vexed.

Monday, February 25, 2008


It's another no-kid school day which is the best kinda day! I can get lots done without tripping on or kicking kids as they run through the halls yelling obscenities. Kansas City was pretty fun if you call behavior disorder research fun. AND I DO!

Janine Stichter gave a great presentation on the Thompson Center's cognitive behavioral interventions for Asperger students.

The next day there was a good one on teaching kids how to use self-management. One of the suggestions on correcting behavior is to film the child performing the correct action then making them watch the movie every morning. Like if a kid can't seem to raise their hand in class and just blurts out the answer 90% of the time. Apparently if you film them raising their hand and answering the questions (then the teacher issues positive reinforcement of course) and let the kid watch himself every morning he will start to realize that he should raise his hand and not be an idiot. Their words not mine! So I might offer my assistance as a geek and see if the schools need some filming or editing done.

Oh and we also ate uncooked beef. There is this rotating restaurant atop the Hyatt, but we were feeling cheap so we got some drinks and ended up at a more expensive restaurant called Benton's. There was live jazz and the lobster cognac flambée was ok, but Kelly ordered an appetizer (you know like hotwings or tater skins) but they brought her this Kobe carpaccio that wiggled down my throat and haunts me to this day!

I'm never going there again.

But we had fun. Didn't really get a chance to see much of the city. On the way in my windows kept icing over because my defrost doesn't work too well and the dashboard is kinda folding up blocking the vents and it was freezing drizzle so you couldn't really wipe it away without making it worse plus there was muck all over the roads from the snow and we couldn't see for crap.

Oh and it was too cold to go outside. That's my excuse really. See:

Thursday, February 21, 2008

snow day

I never got snowdays as a kid living in California and in Memphis we only had like 1 ice day. Can't really go out and make an iceman. Mysterio would probably just come knock it down.

Anyways, school is closed, but not for me. Still got pooters to fix. Driving to work was fun. Since the car was in the garage the windshield didn't ice over until I got on the freeway then BAM, can't see crap. But I'm not complaining. It's nice and quiet here (except for the police scanner in the office, I have no idea why.) Here's a creepy thing that guards the library, oh excuse me, Media Center:

I'm probably going with Kelly to Kansas City for the weekend. It's a party extravangaza at Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorders!!! 2008: Truthiness, Evidence, and Practices in EBD. I'll be sure to post every exciting detail, stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Very productive weekend!

Man did I get a lot done today. Not in the real world, but in a pretend one that I pay $14 a month to live... plus $14 more for Kelly's pretend people too. We pretty much pvp'd alllll weekend. I kept telling myself it was too cold to go outside. It was 7 degrees at 7a.m. But I did go to the store. That was something. Sure it was to buy booze, but at least I managed to put on pants and step outside and it was scary!
Man this is turning out to be a very exciting blogonet. People far and wide will be reading it and passing my stories down to their grandchildren. Just kidding, the rapture will happen before long. Isn't it funny that the country with the most nuclear weapons has the most people that believe in the rapture? I don't have the exact figures, but I checked my gut and that's more accurate than numbers.

Friday, February 15, 2008


oh man the first day and already another post to take up space in the tubes!
damn i wish this would auto capitalize words for me. I used Outlook for 5 years and it quickly broke me of good keyboarding habits. I should start a support group. Yeah that sounds very fun.
Anyways, it's almost noon and I'm faced with the work day delima of weather I want to go home and eat at 12 since I'm hungry or do I have the capacity to wait until 12:30? You see, at 12:30 Everyday Italian comes on and I can pretend that what I'm eating is what Guildeleala deLaurenteais(sp?) is cooking on the tv. If you haven't seen the show then you're an idiot. Stop living a lie!
right now I'm reimaging a laptop that's in dire need of a reloadin. downloading secutiry update for windows xp updated 15 of 93... hey almost done!
i better get ready!

begin transmission

Welcome to blog. How are you? Ok that's nice.
My name Thomas.
I don't know why I'm typing like dork.
Ok I stop.
This is a boredom-based-blog called A Baby Signed My Baseball. It's a statement I overheard while fixing computers in an elementary school. I think it was a special ed kid who was trying to impress his friend by repeating something he heard an older sibling say. At least that's how I rationalize it. Maybe it really happened. I'll never know, but I know I like it.