Saturday morning Kelly and I got some licenses, worms and poles. We went out on some lake, I think it's called Little Dixie, with Jess and Monica on their boat. I had more fun than I thought I would. Usually fishing is boring as hell, but if you get some friends and a boat it can be a blast. We didn't catch anything big, just a dozen ... uh little shiny guys. I don't know what they were, but they were delicious. About halfway through the day Jess broke his captain's chair and flew into the lake. The chair was saved and he has plans to reattach it with 1 inch bolts instead of 7/8 inch bolts. Good luck, Jess! Clicking the picture goes my Picasa Fishing 1 folder.
Sunday was less fruitful. We got up, played with the bunny (oh yeah, we inherited a bunny) made some muffins, then went out to Ashland Lake. It's a beautiful little lake, but we only caught 1 little fishy. People around us were catching like crazy, but the 4 of us had no luck. Even worse there was a mildly retarded woman sitting on the wall who would yell out "I got him, he's huge" every time she caught something. I wanted to accidentally cast my hook into her face, but Jess said that would be slightly rude. Apparently there is some kind of fishing etiquette of which I was previously unaware.
All in all it was a great weekend. I did not let the mean ol' dentist dampen my resolve to get outside and kill some nature.
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