Another exciting week of... uh... stuff. We had some awesome storms which was cool to watch, but it cause intermittent connection issues which is not fun if you're trying to kill monsters. Which we were, a lot. Very dorkily. So dorkily that when we got kicked off the the 4th time we went to the library. Then later on when we got kicked off the 6th time we to a coffee shop to drink spiked lattes and margaritas while we played wow.
In the evening we watched another episode of Jericho and I think that will be the last for me. The writing is just terrible. It's almost as bad as Kyle XY, which is actually pretty funny if you watch if for the right reasons, which makes Kelly clear her throat while you giggle at its horribleness.
I had some Pranks cereal this morning. It's a knockoff of Trix, but I can not find a picture of it online. Apparently there are hundreds of actual cereal pranks played on people with amazing results! Instead here are some of my fav cereal from the days of yore:
I remember these being very good. They were pretty rare so we didn't get them very often. Then when we did have it I was so excited I would often get in trouble and have to eat oatmeal. Oh cruel fate! Why hate you forsaken me? Why am I personifying you? Oh yes, I'm bored. Oops I mean I'm working hard as I should be. Well I would be if there was something to do. I only have a couple of tickets so one must pace themselves.
Mmm. Who didn't love the creepy blandness of Cabbage Patch Kids cereal? I liked to think it was made of real dolls (and it kinda tasted like it was) because Becky had a few and they were ugly. Ugly as sin! But there was something about the crispness and odd tinge of some unnameable ingredient that kept me coming back for more and more and more until I puked all over the dog.
The end.
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