Thursday, March 13, 2008


Tuesday was pretty fun. Kelly and I, taking advantage of the sixty degree weather, took the bikes to Rocheport and rode the Katy trail until I realized the wind coming off the river was significantly freezinger than regular wind so we didn't make it too far. We found a nice trail that goes up a mountain. There was another that went into a marsh with a little duck ... uh viewing box thing. Yeah that's what it's called. I took some pictures, but they didn't turn out too well because the color hasn't really returned to the trees yet. Get on that, trees!
Then we drove around and found a nice Thai place. Why don't more dishes have peanuts in them? I'm going to start trying peanuts in more things like um cereal... uh.... stew.
After dinner we came home and pvp'd for too long. WSG can go on forever sometimes.
We watched The Invasion which was surprisingly good. I guess when you expect a movie to suck and it doesn't suck so bad it seems better than it is. There's probably a formula or equation to represent that. If I cared I'd proba

Well anyways. I have my first volleyball practice today. I'm looking for the rules to domestic indoor volleyball online cuz I haven't played in years. I don't want to look like a jerk and not know which way to rotate or to whom to pass the ball.
But I do want to look like a jerk for using proper grammar.
Ya dig?


Side By Side - Memphis said...

Are going to be a volleyball coach? - Lili

Thomas said...

Nope. We wouldn't have a chance if that were the case.