Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Very productive weekend!

Man did I get a lot done today. Not in the real world, but in a pretend one that I pay $14 a month to live... plus $14 more for Kelly's pretend people too. We pretty much pvp'd alllll weekend. I kept telling myself it was too cold to go outside. It was 7 degrees at 7a.m. But I did go to the store. That was something. Sure it was to buy booze, but at least I managed to put on pants and step outside and it was scary!
Man this is turning out to be a very exciting blogonet. People far and wide will be reading it and passing my stories down to their grandchildren. Just kidding, the rapture will happen before long. Isn't it funny that the country with the most nuclear weapons has the most people that believe in the rapture? I don't have the exact figures, but I checked my gut and that's more accurate than numbers.


WanderingLili said...

I will be in your support group! I can't spell worth a crap. If there were no spell check people would know that I spell below the 4th grade! We could be call the Auto Correct Anonymous! -Lili